Friday, July 31, 2009
dengarkan curhatku-,-
Monday, July 27, 2009
chatting sama orang taiwan itu asik says:
Diandra says:
heeey says:
I'm so excited to go to Jakarta.I can;t wait.)
Diandra says:
yeaay i miss you so much!!!
is daphne coming to jakarta? says:
oh, Diandra.
I am Daphne.
Diandra says:
hahahahahhahahaha it's just a joke says:
That's not funny).
Diandra says:
hihihihi i'm sorry
how are you? says:
But I hate my schoolwork. That;s toooooo much.
Diandra says:
yes, me too-_- says:
Is it about five o'clock in Jakarta?
Diandra says:
yes! it's five thirty now says:
Sunny won't go to Jakarta. Does Dina feel disappointment?
Diandra says:
why sunny didn't come to jakarta? says:
I don't really know.Maybe she has some plan.
Diandra says:
dina maybe little bit sad says:
I think yes)
Diandra says:
but i don't really know says:
Diandra says:
dina have a different class with me says:
Do you go to school now? In summer?
Diandra says:
yes. now i'm in the third week of school says:
I don't liketo go to school in vacation.
Diandra says:
yes me too-_- its still summer. i want go to a beach. says:
By the way, Can I ask you for a help?
Diandra says:
what is the meaning of friends?
friends is always be there for you, no matter what happen
friends is always helping you
friends is always make you happy
friends is always be honest to you
friends is always teach you to be more good
friends is always support you
friends is always sacrifice for you, but he/she not feel bad
friends is always waiting for you
friends is always know your favourite
friends is always never make you feel bad
friends is always smiling to you
friends is always make you smile,
and the best things is.... friends never talking to other about your mess and your secret in behind you.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

OHYEAAAAAH, okay from left to right ( movie name&real name) :
-goo jun pyo (lee min ho)
-so yi jeung (KIM SANG BUM!)
-geum jan di (koo hye sun)
-song woo bin (kim joon)
i looooove ji hoo so much, but everybody more like goo jun pyo wkwkwk i think he was very mean from the beginning of the episode, butttt i watch it until the end of the movie, he going into nice guy ckckck. so the story i like this movie because my sister watch it in kbs. terus gue pertama kali ntn ini tuh bulan maret di kbs, sayangnya gue hanya ntn episode terakhirnya dannn gue udh first love ama jihoo. lanjutt bulan juni akhir ini, kakak gue beli dvd lengkapnya 25 episode seharga 42.000 aduuh mahal ga sih hahaha dan alhasil gue nyaris begadangseminggu buat ntn ini tau ga sih hahhahahahaha astajim mata gue emg jd bengkak bgt. dann hebat dan asiknya gue tidur jam 3 bangun jam 1 siang, itupun di gebrak ama nyokap gue yg udah stres ngeliat gue ngeringkuk di tempat tidur dengan selimut masi dipake padahal udah tengah siang bolong wkwkwkwk yah maklumi deh.
i love korean people!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
1st day of school-,- and new boyf!

and his friend from bbf too, my lovely cutie pie guy hihihi ;

heey, i'm sorry Taylor Lautner, you are the second, but you still my booyf:P