Haloooo semuaaaaaaaa!
Gue baru ambil rapot nihh, bahagia abisssssss :DD
Alhamdulillah nilainya cukup memuaskan, matematika bener2 ada peningkatan, bahasa indonesia nya perfect bgt, dannn semua nilai lain bener2 ada peningkatan daripada waktu kls 7&8!
Seneng bgt bikin ortu bangga dgn nilai pas2an gue, seengganya gaada yg merah :D
Terussssss berarti usaha selama semester 1 terakhir menjadi murid SMP Islam Al - Azhar 1 succesfully NICE and OVER :DDD
Skrg gue lg otw Grand Indonesia sama ade2 sepupu gue +fam, seneng bgt!
My holiday is just staaaaaaaart!!
Meskipun ga keluar negri atau bali, ke bdg aja kyknya cukup gara2 kmrn gue udh ke Thailand :-)
Mari gue tutup tahun kesayangan gue, 2010, with smile :-)
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
trying, tears, sweat, and bycicle :D
Heyyyy ppl!!! Thx for reding my blog!!! My blog viewers is 100 ppl in just a 5 days!!!! Woohooo thank you thank you :-} maybe I'm write a trash, but at least I'm write something :D its up to you viewers.......
Akhir2 ini, bukannya gue harusnya belajar ya? Tp gue malah main teruuuusss hehehehe
Kmrn, hari minggu.... Gue ikut sepedahan bersama alpus. Gile woooy cape bgttt nge gowes dari kemang-alpus-hi-alpus cukup mematikaaaan :/ btw makasiiih bgt ya semuanya yg nemenin gue nge gowes dari rumah :D eeeehehe
Btw... Skrg gue udh gapernah galau loooh :D gatau gimana deeeh pokoknya gue mulai ngelupain semua masalah gue, beban di kepala gue, dan fyi semua utang tugas gue udh selesaaai :'D hueee terharu. Semua gue coba bawa seneng, maen sm keluarga, ntn drama jepang, nge korea2an, pokoknya semua hal yg menyenangkan gue coba dapetin!!
Dannnn this weekend keluarga + sepupu2 gue bakal liburan di rumah gue. Gyaaaa pasti rumah gue penuh bgttt-_- yaaap tapi namanya juga keluargaaaaa jd gue gapapa :D
Andddd I'm going to say THANK YOU to the friend that always standing beside of me, ngebela gue, gapernah kacangin gue, care sama gue, pkoknyaaaa yg ngerasa baik sama gueee, thanks a lot yaaa! You made my day soooo much!
No more tears in heart, no more two-face (lipsmile, but heart's cry), and always be happy :DD
Hoooy gue udh ngantuk nihhh, seeya later yappppp
Akhir2 ini, bukannya gue harusnya belajar ya? Tp gue malah main teruuuusss hehehehe
Kmrn, hari minggu.... Gue ikut sepedahan bersama alpus. Gile woooy cape bgttt nge gowes dari kemang-alpus-hi-alpus cukup mematikaaaan :/ btw makasiiih bgt ya semuanya yg nemenin gue nge gowes dari rumah :D eeeehehe
Btw... Skrg gue udh gapernah galau loooh :D gatau gimana deeeh pokoknya gue mulai ngelupain semua masalah gue, beban di kepala gue, dan fyi semua utang tugas gue udh selesaaai :'D hueee terharu. Semua gue coba bawa seneng, maen sm keluarga, ntn drama jepang, nge korea2an, pokoknya semua hal yg menyenangkan gue coba dapetin!!
Dannnn this weekend keluarga + sepupu2 gue bakal liburan di rumah gue. Gyaaaa pasti rumah gue penuh bgttt-_- yaaap tapi namanya juga keluargaaaaa jd gue gapapa :D
Andddd I'm going to say THANK YOU to the friend that always standing beside of me, ngebela gue, gapernah kacangin gue, care sama gue, pkoknyaaaa yg ngerasa baik sama gueee, thanks a lot yaaa! You made my day soooo much!
No more tears in heart, no more two-face (lipsmile, but heart's cry), and always be happy :DD
Hoooy gue udh ngantuk nihhh, seeya later yappppp
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Hey you there! I'm not hate you anymore. I'm trying to change my bad habit (crazy and frustate), soooo I just try to accept all, and it is really relieve my stress :DD
Thank you for your 'sometimes' careness and you ugly behavior to me :D I love it and I always accept it :D
Gue baru saja merubah mood. Berusaha biar ga galau lg. Dengan seneng2 :) gue hrs lupain semua masalah atau apa2 yg sialan, semua hrs dibawa seneng kan :) itu kan motto hidup gue. "Hidup gausah dibawa susah, dibawa seneng aja". Dan anehnya knp gue kmrn ngelupain motto hidup gue sendiri yak? Hfffft gatau-_- gue harus seneng pokoknya, liburan di dpn mata :ppp meskipun cuma seminggu, at least its a holidaaaay :D bentar lg un, harus siap2 bgt nih :c gaboong ya gue takut bgt sm un entah knp, yaaa serem ajaa. Namanya aja udh Ujian nasional, hiiiii :xxx
Skrg gue lg dimobil, kena macet, lagi. Di jalan yg sama kaya kmrn2 :/ hahhh inilah nasib tinggal di daerah yg sering macet :---( tapi yaudahlaaah namanya jg jakarta yaa hrs terima aja konsekuensinya :)
Pasti beberapa dari viewers blog gue bingung knp gue gapernah ngmngin korea lg.... Tauga knp? Bosen ahahah~~ abisnya suka banyak org ngocol sih kalo gue ngomongin korea. Suka2 gue dong mau suka siapa :p yaaap I love kyuhyun forever dan di post sebelumnya gue bilang kalo my love for kyu is only 70%, yeppp that's rite but sometimes it change jadiii 99% :ppp
I used a lot of smiley in this post. Idk why but I'm happy today, I'm tryin' :)
Seeya later aaallll, thanks for reading my blog :) love yaaaa
Thank you for your 'sometimes' careness and you ugly behavior to me :D I love it and I always accept it :D
Gue baru saja merubah mood. Berusaha biar ga galau lg. Dengan seneng2 :) gue hrs lupain semua masalah atau apa2 yg sialan, semua hrs dibawa seneng kan :) itu kan motto hidup gue. "Hidup gausah dibawa susah, dibawa seneng aja". Dan anehnya knp gue kmrn ngelupain motto hidup gue sendiri yak? Hfffft gatau-_- gue harus seneng pokoknya, liburan di dpn mata :ppp meskipun cuma seminggu, at least its a holidaaaay :D bentar lg un, harus siap2 bgt nih :c gaboong ya gue takut bgt sm un entah knp, yaaa serem ajaa. Namanya aja udh Ujian nasional, hiiiii :xxx
Skrg gue lg dimobil, kena macet, lagi. Di jalan yg sama kaya kmrn2 :/ hahhh inilah nasib tinggal di daerah yg sering macet :---( tapi yaudahlaaah namanya jg jakarta yaa hrs terima aja konsekuensinya :)
Pasti beberapa dari viewers blog gue bingung knp gue gapernah ngmngin korea lg.... Tauga knp? Bosen ahahah~~ abisnya suka banyak org ngocol sih kalo gue ngomongin korea. Suka2 gue dong mau suka siapa :p yaaap I love kyuhyun forever dan di post sebelumnya gue bilang kalo my love for kyu is only 70%, yeppp that's rite but sometimes it change jadiii 99% :ppp
I used a lot of smiley in this post. Idk why but I'm happy today, I'm tryin' :)
Seeya later aaallll, thanks for reading my blog :) love yaaaa
Hello everybody. I know that I'm so sad and feel random at the post before, but now I'm typing happily.
I'm trying.
Because I'm trying to live my life again clearly and nicely, no matter what happen.
I will forget......
everything that bother my head and my heart, I try to forget those unpredictable and 'unnice' feelings. I have family to love, I have friends to hug, and I WILL live happily if I forget you and your bullshits.
Word 'you' doesn't mean boys or my crush or something, its meaning is for someone who hurt my heart, break them, until a little broken pieces. YOU! You made my day so heavy, so bad, so sad, really hurt, even my body is hurting bcs of you, don't you feel that? It is really fun to hurt me, huh? Yea it is soooo fun! Hurting someone like shits then don't care abt them. You always insult me, you are harsh to girls, you're mean, you're an asshole. *sorry for the bad word. Hurting here!*
Hoh, I'm relieved now. I'm refreshed. I need to wrote and tell someone abt my feelings right away before I got hurt again, by YOU!
Btw I'm online in the really morning,sooo good morning and start you dau freshly cause I am ! :D
I'm trying.
Because I'm trying to live my life again clearly and nicely, no matter what happen.
I will forget......
everything that bother my head and my heart, I try to forget those unpredictable and 'unnice' feelings. I have family to love, I have friends to hug, and I WILL live happily if I forget you and your bullshits.
Word 'you' doesn't mean boys or my crush or something, its meaning is for someone who hurt my heart, break them, until a little broken pieces. YOU! You made my day so heavy, so bad, so sad, really hurt, even my body is hurting bcs of you, don't you feel that? It is really fun to hurt me, huh? Yea it is soooo fun! Hurting someone like shits then don't care abt them. You always insult me, you are harsh to girls, you're mean, you're an asshole. *sorry for the bad word. Hurting here!*
Hoh, I'm relieved now. I'm refreshed. I need to wrote and tell someone abt my feelings right away before I got hurt again, by YOU!
Btw I'm online in the really morning,sooo good morning and start you dau freshly cause I am ! :D
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I'm absolutely tired with all of this shits.
I'm going to erase that feeling. That feeling that I tell you In the other post.
It hurts like.... A lot? :'(
My score, my life, all of 'this', getting worst. And I hate it so much when comes the time like this.
Sekarang gue merasa...... Kopong.
I'm going to erase that feeling. That feeling that I tell you In the other post.
It hurts like.... A lot? :'(
My score, my life, all of 'this', getting worst. And I hate it so much when comes the time like this.
Sekarang gue merasa...... Kopong.
Friday, December 10, 2010
this is life -_-
Now, I'm on my way to home. So freakingly tired. Hari ini hari terakhit ngumpulin semuanya. Tugas lah, susulan, remed, hafalan, anddddd it's freakin' me out.
And these days.... I feel something that I never felt before. Weird, huh
*you will know if you read all my post from 2008* Yap that 'things' (guess it!! Hehe) is coming to my mind again. That feeling. Btw.... It's almost 5 years.
Hmmmppffhhtttt wanna laugh out loud. LIKE A G6!/random.
Traffiiicccc jammmm is killing me. Its friday hell. Traffic everywhere T.T
And for my class, tommorow is not holiday yet, kita semua harus tes buat kelas bilingual dulu, helllll dan soalnya susah nya gila2an. Takut bgttt kalo sampe nilai rapot gue jelek :( bakal ngaruh bgt soalnya wkt nanti gue nyari sma swasta yg bagus.......
And I'm..... Feel weird. That 'flowering' feeling is coming to my head again. Idk why. And my closest friend who read this post must be understand and will laught out loud. Yea I'm shyshyshy here ;p
And lastly.... Fyi, my love for Kyuhyun is....... 70%. Sorry darl.
And these days.... I feel something that I never felt before. Weird, huh
*you will know if you read all my post from 2008* Yap that 'things' (guess it!! Hehe) is coming to my mind again. That feeling. Btw.... It's almost 5 years.
Hmmmppffhhtttt wanna laugh out loud. LIKE A G6!/random.
Traffiiicccc jammmm is killing me. Its friday hell. Traffic everywhere T.T
And for my class, tommorow is not holiday yet, kita semua harus tes buat kelas bilingual dulu, helllll dan soalnya susah nya gila2an. Takut bgttt kalo sampe nilai rapot gue jelek :( bakal ngaruh bgt soalnya wkt nanti gue nyari sma swasta yg bagus.......
And I'm..... Feel weird. That 'flowering' feeling is coming to my head again. Idk why. And my closest friend who read this post must be understand and will laught out loud. Yea I'm shyshyshy here ;p
And lastly.... Fyi, my love for Kyuhyun is....... 70%. Sorry darl.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
WOOOOOOOOYYYY boleh teriak nggaaaa? Frustasi berattttt nih gue tugas banyak yg numpuk. Anjir aaaaaaaaa gue pengen matiiii, atau engga please bgt ditambah waktu seminggu lagi buat nyelesain semuanyaaaa. Tenggat waktu gue buat nyelesain puluhan tugas cuma 3 hari doang!!! AAAAAAAAAAA *curcol nih gue*
Sorry for the unimportant spamming. Stress out here.
Sorry for the unimportant spamming. Stress out here.
Friday, November 26, 2010
helloooo hahaha
hai semua!!! hahaha gue lg ngakak nih
apakah viewers blog gue cukup banyakkkk? hahahaha soalnya gue ngeliat angka viewers gue nambah 34 org..... penasaran ajaa hehehehehe
hmmm gue cuma pengen minta maaf soalnya yg gue post mungkin sampah semua dan ga pntg, soalnya yaaaa gue suka curcol gt di blog. asik soalnya huehehehe
gue tau, skrg itu org2 kalo ngeblog pasti di tumblr, blalalala actually i hate tumblr and i can't use tumblr :p lagian pada sok puitis semua gituuuu kalo di tumblr. gue kan orgnya benci bgt sok imut, dan gue bukan org yg memble, tiap hari ngmngin love2an muluuuu, yaaap tumblr adalah tempat org2 kaya gituuu, jadi i will declare that i love blogging MORE than tumblr-ing :D
hmmmm btw gue akhir2 ini lg capeeeekkkkk bgt, cape 100%, soalnya tiap hari plg jam 7, sampe rumah jam 7, hfffftttt capenya naudzubillah. gue ada bta, pm, rapat osis yg bntr lg selesai :"( yaaaap tambahan remed dll deh
kurang tidur............. thats absolutely my friend. ngntk bgt, skrg aja gue lg ngepost, sambil tiduran gara2 ngntk bgt heheheh
nitenitenite ppl :D sleep duluuuu okeee byeeee
apakah viewers blog gue cukup banyakkkk? hahahaha soalnya gue ngeliat angka viewers gue nambah 34 org..... penasaran ajaa hehehehehe
hmmm gue cuma pengen minta maaf soalnya yg gue post mungkin sampah semua dan ga pntg, soalnya yaaaa gue suka curcol gt di blog. asik soalnya huehehehe
gue tau, skrg itu org2 kalo ngeblog pasti di tumblr, blalalala actually i hate tumblr and i can't use tumblr :p lagian pada sok puitis semua gituuuu kalo di tumblr. gue kan orgnya benci bgt sok imut, dan gue bukan org yg memble, tiap hari ngmngin love2an muluuuu, yaaap tumblr adalah tempat org2 kaya gituuu, jadi i will declare that i love blogging MORE than tumblr-ing :D
hmmmm btw gue akhir2 ini lg capeeeekkkkk bgt, cape 100%, soalnya tiap hari plg jam 7, sampe rumah jam 7, hfffftttt capenya naudzubillah. gue ada bta, pm, rapat osis yg bntr lg selesai :"( yaaaap tambahan remed dll deh
kurang tidur............. thats absolutely my friend. ngntk bgt, skrg aja gue lg ngepost, sambil tiduran gara2 ngntk bgt heheheh
nitenitenite ppl :D sleep duluuuu okeee byeeee
Friday, November 19, 2010
I LOVE 2010
hey guys, diandra is on the blogspot again now!!!! hahaha lolol
ngeblog pake bhs apa yaaa? bhs indo aja dehhh
2010 udh mau selesai. ganyangka yakalo wkt itu cepettttt bgt. padahal gue sayangggg bgt sama taun ini. banyak bgt kenangan yg pastinya gaakan gue lupain. tentang temen, sekolah, kegiatan osis, masalah2, alpus elevation, dannnnn masih banyak lg.
gue ngga suka kyk gini. kenapa 2009, thn yg paling gue benci, hrs berjalan dgn waktu yang lamaaaaaaaa bgt. 2010, terlalu sebentar. aneh.
tahun ini kenangannya banyakkk bgt. contohnya kmrn gue studi banding osis, itu bener2 abal dan ancur dan ngga terlalu sukses menurut gue, tp gue bener2 have fun sama temen2 yg disana, yaitu org thailandnya, dan temen2 osis kls 9 yg ikut : arsya, nadira, aurel, atiqa, bagus bener2 fun bgtttt :))) i love the time when im in thai, really.
contoh kenangan lain : ldk&pra ldk. mereka program gue di osis. dan setelah gue berusaha dan semua temen2 panitia berusaha, maka programnya alhamdulillah sukses!! dan kita ngedapetin seluruh pujian dari guru dan kakak2 kelas alumni osis& yg bukan. makasih banyak ya btw :) ini hal yg gue senengin, yaitu setelah kita semua usaha, jadinya sukses dan memuaskan!
bukannya sombong songong atau gimana gara2 gue ngomongin osis mulu, tp bukan maksud gue kyk gt, krn osis udh jadi bagian dari keseharian gue, maka hal yg gue mau ceritain pasti berhubungan dgn osis :) gue juga sayang bgt sm 9E, yaitu kelas yg gue kira bakal jadi kelas terburuk gue, terancur, ter nggak menyenangkan, tp ternyata kibul. gue seneng bgt bisa jd anak 9E :-)))
dan gue akhir2 ini bingung deh...... kyknya segitu banyaknya cewe yg sakit stres atau apalah gara2 cowo. gapenting bgt. gue cuma bilang "lo masi anak2. remaja. yg ada di otak lo semua bukan cowo. kejar dulu nilai, bertemen sama org yg banyak. gausah mikirin lovelife dulu. gausah lebay nyilet2 tangan gara2 pacar, get a life dong. ga seluruh hidup lo tergantung sama pacar kan? selo aja cuy, yg namanya jodoh mah ngga kemana-mana". gue ngungkapin ini buat anak2 yg suka melakukan hal lebay gara2 pacarnya. bukan buat anak2 yg udh punya pacar dan longlasting, kalo itu mah, gue doain loooonglast sampe nikah kaya raka&mine:))
gue selalu ngeblogging malem2. entah knp, asik aja. disaat yg lain udh tdr, gue masi ol blogspot di laptop dan nge blogging, asik sendiri malem2 di kamar, entah knp, asik aja.
hemmm, mau cerita apalagi yaa?
ngeblog pake bhs apa yaaa? bhs indo aja dehhh
2010 udh mau selesai. ganyangka yakalo wkt itu cepettttt bgt. padahal gue sayangggg bgt sama taun ini. banyak bgt kenangan yg pastinya gaakan gue lupain. tentang temen, sekolah, kegiatan osis, masalah2, alpus elevation, dannnnn masih banyak lg.
gue ngga suka kyk gini. kenapa 2009, thn yg paling gue benci, hrs berjalan dgn waktu yang lamaaaaaaaa bgt. 2010, terlalu sebentar. aneh.
tahun ini kenangannya banyakkk bgt. contohnya kmrn gue studi banding osis, itu bener2 abal dan ancur dan ngga terlalu sukses menurut gue, tp gue bener2 have fun sama temen2 yg disana, yaitu org thailandnya, dan temen2 osis kls 9 yg ikut : arsya, nadira, aurel, atiqa, bagus bener2 fun bgtttt :))) i love the time when im in thai, really.
contoh kenangan lain : ldk&pra ldk. mereka program gue di osis. dan setelah gue berusaha dan semua temen2 panitia berusaha, maka programnya alhamdulillah sukses!! dan kita ngedapetin seluruh pujian dari guru dan kakak2 kelas alumni osis& yg bukan. makasih banyak ya btw :) ini hal yg gue senengin, yaitu setelah kita semua usaha, jadinya sukses dan memuaskan!
bukannya sombong songong atau gimana gara2 gue ngomongin osis mulu, tp bukan maksud gue kyk gt, krn osis udh jadi bagian dari keseharian gue, maka hal yg gue mau ceritain pasti berhubungan dgn osis :) gue juga sayang bgt sm 9E, yaitu kelas yg gue kira bakal jadi kelas terburuk gue, terancur, ter nggak menyenangkan, tp ternyata kibul. gue seneng bgt bisa jd anak 9E :-)))
dan gue akhir2 ini bingung deh...... kyknya segitu banyaknya cewe yg sakit stres atau apalah gara2 cowo. gapenting bgt. gue cuma bilang "lo masi anak2. remaja. yg ada di otak lo semua bukan cowo. kejar dulu nilai, bertemen sama org yg banyak. gausah mikirin lovelife dulu. gausah lebay nyilet2 tangan gara2 pacar, get a life dong. ga seluruh hidup lo tergantung sama pacar kan? selo aja cuy, yg namanya jodoh mah ngga kemana-mana". gue ngungkapin ini buat anak2 yg suka melakukan hal lebay gara2 pacarnya. bukan buat anak2 yg udh punya pacar dan longlasting, kalo itu mah, gue doain loooonglast sampe nikah kaya raka&mine:))
gue selalu ngeblogging malem2. entah knp, asik aja. disaat yg lain udh tdr, gue masi ol blogspot di laptop dan nge blogging, asik sendiri malem2 di kamar, entah knp, asik aja.
hemmm, mau cerita apalagi yaa?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Heyyyy guysss! Like the title, I'm going to THAILAND!! :D
Yeaaa it's not a holiday, but. 'Half' holiday hehehe, because I'm going there with my Student Council friend!!
You know what??? 2PM and Donghae of Super Junior is in taeguk (thailand in korean)!!!!!
Ohhh god I'm soooo crazy. Actually, imma crazy fangirl :p
Sooo I'm going to thai in 20 sept until 24 sept, and I'm going to the 2 school in there, and blablabla studying with teacher and blablabla and thennnnn..... SHOPPING :DDD
Wanna somthin to buy in there? Just ping me at 2207B98A andd @heydiandra :-p and don't forgot to give me the money guyss!!! Ehehehehe
Actually I'm online with my Gemini, soo its little hard to typing all things in my head, sooooo....
CIAOO!!! Byebye guysss seeya in Thailand :-DD
Yeaaa it's not a holiday, but. 'Half' holiday hehehe, because I'm going there with my Student Council friend!!
You know what??? 2PM and Donghae of Super Junior is in taeguk (thailand in korean)!!!!!
Ohhh god I'm soooo crazy. Actually, imma crazy fangirl :p
Sooo I'm going to thai in 20 sept until 24 sept, and I'm going to the 2 school in there, and blablabla studying with teacher and blablabla and thennnnn..... SHOPPING :DDD
Wanna somthin to buy in there? Just ping me at 2207B98A andd @heydiandra :-p and don't forgot to give me the money guyss!!! Ehehehehe
Actually I'm online with my Gemini, soo its little hard to typing all things in my head, sooooo....
CIAOO!!! Byebye guysss seeya in Thailand :-DD
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
heyya!! long tie no post^^
i actually forgot that i have to write the fanfic like i told ya b4, but im forgot T.T sowwyyyyy hahaha andd heyy is theres someone that still open my blog? hahaha i know that now the best website is twitter, but hey, its just 140 characters! but blog? you can write whatever until 100000000000 characters!! hehehehe i am sooo weird tonight :<
my life? hmmm im in my last class in junior high school, hffffft gonna miss my friends:/ its hard to be 9th grade because i HAVE to faced that the exam is coming, but i will pray to god for the help so i can do the test well :)
about my new class? hemmm... nothing to say because i didnt know them not really really well.... bute yea they nice to me :) but i really2 miss my friends on 8th grader, really really iss them :( its like that class is the best in my life..... but not like that too actually, because 7th grader is always the best too!!! and i will miss my jhs time... when i do somthin embarassing or funny or my stupidity.... :(
but there's times that my friend didnt care for me at all, and that's really make feel sad, because im trying hard for keeping my friends stay closed.... but theres some times that theyre getting faraway from me.....
im posting this post on the middle of the night and when my family is sleping, bcs i miss my blog :"( i need someone to chat with, "curhat", and tell her everything thats in my head, but i dont hv a friend like that :( sooo blogspot is helping me to refresh my head, thank god :-)
last word, sorry blogspot for the little post, im sad to leave you bcs im busy :( not lying :( and youre always and forever be my blog to chat with :) hehehehehe CIAO!!!! :P
i actually forgot that i have to write the fanfic like i told ya b4, but im forgot T.T sowwyyyyy hahaha andd heyy is theres someone that still open my blog? hahaha i know that now the best website is twitter, but hey, its just 140 characters! but blog? you can write whatever until 100000000000 characters!! hehehehe i am sooo weird tonight :<
my life? hmmm im in my last class in junior high school, hffffft gonna miss my friends:/ its hard to be 9th grade because i HAVE to faced that the exam is coming, but i will pray to god for the help so i can do the test well :)
about my new class? hemmm... nothing to say because i didnt know them not really really well.... bute yea they nice to me :) but i really2 miss my friends on 8th grader, really really iss them :( its like that class is the best in my life..... but not like that too actually, because 7th grader is always the best too!!! and i will miss my jhs time... when i do somthin embarassing or funny or my stupidity.... :(
but there's times that my friend didnt care for me at all, and that's really make feel sad, because im trying hard for keeping my friends stay closed.... but theres some times that theyre getting faraway from me.....
im posting this post on the middle of the night and when my family is sleping, bcs i miss my blog :"( i need someone to chat with, "curhat", and tell her everything thats in my head, but i dont hv a friend like that :( sooo blogspot is helping me to refresh my head, thank god :-)
last word, sorry blogspot for the little post, im sad to leave you bcs im busy :( not lying :( and youre always and forever be my blog to chat with :) hehehehehe CIAO!!!! :P
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Gue bingung. Knp sih banyak bgt org yg gapunya perasaan?
Setelah apa yg gue usahain, setelah apapun hal baik yg gue kerjakan....
Pasti aja diremehin. Disia-sia in. Dan bahkan, skrg ini gue merasa ngga 'ditanggepin'
Mungkin..... Gue terlalu berharap.
Gue terlalu berharap bahwa gue aka disayangi atau semacamnya.
Ini bukan ngomongin cowo loh. Oh please maaf aja ya gue bukan tipe cewe yg bakal nangis kalo'crush' gue gasuka sm gue,atau diputusin, and blablabla.
Gue 'terkadang' berharap bahwa atas kebaikan yg gue kasi, gue bakal mendapatkan kebaikan kembali.
Yah, mau gmn lg, gue memang harus pasrah.
Dan satu hal yg paling gue takutin, adalah 'Kehilangan Temen'.
Kalo berhubungan dgn temen, gue bisa nangis.
Pengakuan ya, gue lebih sering menyendiri, dengerin lagu, sendirian.
Bukannya menjauh, tp gue merasa..... Kesepian.
Dan, gue selalu mendam perasaan.
Sampe terlalu dalem, makin dalem lg, terus, bahkan gaada dasarnya.
Itu yg sering bikin hati gue sakit. Rasanya sakit bgt. Ngerti nyesek kan?
Gue mikir, gue gabisa gini terus. Kalo dipendam terus rasa sedih gue, gue bisa sakit jiwa.
Sakit, ya sakit....
Kekurangan kasih sayang.
Gue butuh, pelukan temen, dan kata2 yg bisa bikin gue ngeluarin semuanya.
Memang, skrg gue gaada masalah smt temen.
Tapi, ttg keluarga gue.
Gue suka bingung, knp hidup gue kaya gini.
Yah, gue sih cuma bisa pasrah.
Maaf ya pembaca, tp gue butuh 'pelega' perasaan gue, yaitu blog ini.
Maaf ya my gemini, lo dipake buat nulis blog yg sangat panjang ini,
Tp gue tau lo bakal mau krn lo bantuin gue biar gue bisa seneng :D
Dan..... Untuk fanfic, mohon maaf rada ditunda, soalnya gue not in the mood.
Best Regards, Diandra398F
Setelah apa yg gue usahain, setelah apapun hal baik yg gue kerjakan....
Pasti aja diremehin. Disia-sia in. Dan bahkan, skrg ini gue merasa ngga 'ditanggepin'
Mungkin..... Gue terlalu berharap.
Gue terlalu berharap bahwa gue aka disayangi atau semacamnya.
Ini bukan ngomongin cowo loh. Oh please maaf aja ya gue bukan tipe cewe yg bakal nangis kalo'crush' gue gasuka sm gue,atau diputusin, and blablabla.
Gue 'terkadang' berharap bahwa atas kebaikan yg gue kasi, gue bakal mendapatkan kebaikan kembali.
Yah, mau gmn lg, gue memang harus pasrah.
Dan satu hal yg paling gue takutin, adalah 'Kehilangan Temen'.
Kalo berhubungan dgn temen, gue bisa nangis.
Pengakuan ya, gue lebih sering menyendiri, dengerin lagu, sendirian.
Bukannya menjauh, tp gue merasa..... Kesepian.
Dan, gue selalu mendam perasaan.
Sampe terlalu dalem, makin dalem lg, terus, bahkan gaada dasarnya.
Itu yg sering bikin hati gue sakit. Rasanya sakit bgt. Ngerti nyesek kan?
Gue mikir, gue gabisa gini terus. Kalo dipendam terus rasa sedih gue, gue bisa sakit jiwa.
Sakit, ya sakit....
Kekurangan kasih sayang.
Gue butuh, pelukan temen, dan kata2 yg bisa bikin gue ngeluarin semuanya.
Memang, skrg gue gaada masalah smt temen.
Tapi, ttg keluarga gue.
Gue suka bingung, knp hidup gue kaya gini.
Yah, gue sih cuma bisa pasrah.
Maaf ya pembaca, tp gue butuh 'pelega' perasaan gue, yaitu blog ini.
Maaf ya my gemini, lo dipake buat nulis blog yg sangat panjang ini,
Tp gue tau lo bakal mau krn lo bantuin gue biar gue bisa seneng :D
Dan..... Untuk fanfic, mohon maaf rada ditunda, soalnya gue not in the mood.
Best Regards, Diandra398F
Saturday, June 12, 2010
hey guys i just wanna tell you that i'm going to make a lot of fanfic in this blog. i'm gonna write a romantic love life, yeah something like that, so please check it out :) *i'm making this fanfic in my brain from 2 weeks ago!!*
yea guys i'm going to make a fanfic about you, kyuhyun, and yesung. a little bit sad story, but interesting story kekekekeke, it's about you were falling in love with kyuhyun, and he loves you back, and you guys are dating. but you choose Backstreet because you are scared that manager of kyuhyun will know. oooooh i forgot to tell you that you are SuJu Make Up Artist. and then, Yesung love you to because there's an accident that make he loves you............
for the next story.... PKEASE JUST OPEN MY BLOG:D
yea guys i'm going to make a fanfic about you, kyuhyun, and yesung. a little bit sad story, but interesting story kekekekeke, it's about you were falling in love with kyuhyun, and he loves you back, and you guys are dating. but you choose Backstreet because you are scared that manager of kyuhyun will know. oooooh i forgot to tell you that you are SuJu Make Up Artist. and then, Yesung love you to because there's an accident that make he loves you............
for the next story.... PKEASE JUST OPEN MY BLOG:D
Saturday, April 10, 2010
yepp kawan-kawan semua, saya hanya ingin mengatakan bahwa saya benci sekolah.
abisan ada skandal bangsat anjing tai babi jingtotsu gitu deh, jd gue dihina-hina dannn di ejek-ejek.anjing ya sumpah gue muak banget, gakuat gue.
abisan ada skandal bangsat anjing tai babi jingtotsu gitu deh, jd gue dihina-hina dannn di ejek-ejek.anjing ya sumpah gue muak banget, gakuat gue.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
i'm hurt.
gue merasa useless. Gue merasa ditinggalin. Gue merasa ngga berguna. Gue merasa sakit hati.
That thing is kill my head like a shit. I'm depressed. How can this happen??? Omg. I'm not fit enough to go to that way. I'm so hurt right now. And i think no one care about me. Even my friends. Maybe i'm not good at making friends, but please, please, i need a lot of love from ppl. And 1 thing i know right now....
They leave me. All ppl leave
That thing is kill my head like a shit. I'm depressed. How can this happen??? Omg. I'm not fit enough to go to that way. I'm so hurt right now. And i think no one care about me. Even my friends. Maybe i'm not good at making friends, but please, please, i need a lot of love from ppl. And 1 thing i know right now....
They leave me. All ppl leave
Monday, March 22, 2010
hey guys!
halo semua. Thanks ya yg masi baca atau liat blog gue!
Sekarang gue posting blog di hp gue. Now i'm listening to my sweety baby voice Cho Kyuhyun. Sumpah, cowo seganteng apapun di Indonesia gada yg bisa ngalahin gantengnya dia, sorry yea indonesian boys, and please, think before you speak :D haha kidding men. Little boring? Yes i am. I hate my school so much. its sooo shitting hell. Nilai gue membabi hutan, haha kaga juga sih sebenernya cuma di math sm ipa!!! Akh pelajaran sial itu bedua. Kampret.b
Sekarang gue posting blog di hp gue. Now i'm listening to my sweety baby voice Cho Kyuhyun. Sumpah, cowo seganteng apapun di Indonesia gada yg bisa ngalahin gantengnya dia, sorry yea indonesian boys, and please, think before you speak :D haha kidding men. Little boring? Yes i am. I hate my school so much. its sooo shitting hell. Nilai gue membabi hutan, haha kaga juga sih sebenernya cuma di math sm ipa!!! Akh pelajaran sial itu bedua. Kampret.b
Sunday, February 21, 2010
cool girls !
Saturday, February 13, 2010
best of SHINee
Jonghyun: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo seo nam jah deul ee gah man ahn dweo
Heun deul ree neun keu nyeo ue mam sah sheel ahl goh eet seo
Onew: Keu nyeo eeh geh sah rang eun han sun gan ue neu ggeem eel bbun
Mwoh rah hae doh nah eeh gehn salm ue everything
All: Ah mah keu nyeo neun eoh reen nae gah buh dang seu reo uhn gah bwa
Key: Nahl pah rah boh neun nun bee chee mahl hae juh jahn ah
All: And I think I'm gonna hate it girl
Kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol
Jonghyun: Gah seum ee mahl hae jun dah nuh gah mwoh rae doh
All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
Taemin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo
All: Replay Replay Replay
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
All: Replay Replay Replay
Onew: Nuh nan nah ue M.V.P buh reo uhm eeh bbu deut haet jee
Minho: Neul shee seon jeep jong keu nyeo wah ham ggeh eet neun nan So cool
Jonghyun: Jeh bahl ee son eul noh jee mahl jah deon nah ue dah jeem eun
Onew: Eoh neu sun gan buh teo geo jeet een geol ahl ah
All: Ah mah keu nyeo neun chak han nae gah byeol jae mee eob seot nah bwa
Key: Nahl dae hah neun moom jeet ee mahl hah goh eet jahn ah
All: And I think I'm gonna hate it girl
Kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol
Jonghyun: Gah seum ee soh ree chee dah ee byeol ah peh seo
All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
Taemin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo
All: Make up Shake up Break up
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
All: Make up Shake up Break up
All: Ah ah ah reum dah eun keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek ggah jee nuh guh wah
Jeen sheel dwen sah rang ue mah seul bun jeok ee eob neun geh nun myeong hae
Ah ah ah seup geh doh keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek eoh reen nah eeh gehn
Sheen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul bah deul suh eob neun jee
All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
All: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo
Replay Replay Replay
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hahl kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
All: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
Replay Replay Replay
All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
(Minho: Uh keu nyeo wah nah ue love) mee chyeo
(TaeMin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn) jee chyeo
Minho: Uh I just go crazy 'cuz
All: Replay Replay Replay
Minho: I I I love you girl
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul
Minho: Uh mah eum ee ah pah seo goh cyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
Minho: Yo I wanna hold U girl
All: Replay Replay Replay
Minho: I I I love you
All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo I keep thinkin ' bout you
Nuh nan yeh bbeo I keep dreaming ' bout you
Jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah seul bon jeok ee
Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo I keep thinkin ' bout you
Nuh nan yeh bbeo I keep dreaming 'bout you
Jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul
Ttereojyeo ggaejil deutan tumyeonghan neupe
Dalkomhan dokmul peojideut
Hayake eoreobuteun nae oraen sangcheoga
Neoye gaseum sok gipge peojyeodo Oh Oh
Jabeun deut hal ttae pagodeuneun keuromee bineul nalkaroum
Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana
Chagapgo shiridorok tumyeonghan mureul
Mashigo tto mashyeobwado
Hayake jillidorok dagaoneunmankeum
Neol hangsang hyanghae mogi malla
Jabeun deut hal ttae seumyeodeuneun
Seoroye sumgyeol ih budeureo-um
Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana
Eodumgateun sarang dalkomhaetdeon gotong
Mulgyeolgatdeon naye jinshimeun
Eoreumgatdeon yuhok dalkomhaetdeon nunmul
Areumdapge nal dugo Oh
Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana
Oh yeogibuteo nae sarangee apeum widokaesseul ttae
Ggaejyeobeorin naye eodum sogye deungbul
Naragabeorin gyeolguk nal beorin nareul gallabeorin jidokan hyeonshil
Ijen eopshi sumimakyeo
Galsurok jichyeo
Naege sanso gateun nege
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
(Can't live without you by my side)
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo (sanso gateun neo oh oh oh~)
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo Oh
Cold heart, baby!
Cold eyes, baby!
Let's go!
Mannatda banhaetda
Keunyeo-ege banhaetda
Cheoeum boneun sexy
(Keunyeodo nareul bwa)
Wa, chagapda, chagapda
Eoreumdongju osyeotda
Hajiman sexy
(Jamgganman gidaryeo girl)
Naega ga dalryeoga dojeoneun neul jeulgeopda
Hajiman sesangeun manmanhaji anhatda
Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo
Wasseulkka bwasseulkka
Eojjeoda keunyeol hanbeon
Keureon jeok eopseo
Keuraetdamyeon imi nan slave
Neon wanbyeokhae wanbyeokhae
Nae insaengeui ggokjijeom
Nan neoreul weonhae
I'm ready~ forever!
Dorabwa meomchweobwa
Naege gihwil jweoya dwae
Sokbin nam, heose nam
Bigyo mara, naneun wanso nam
Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo
Hey, I don't know you
Keunyeol moreujiman keunyeoreul weonhae
Nareul bburichyeodo keudael jinjjaro weonhae
Namjadeureun modu jimseung neukdae gatdago
Eommadeureui gyeongheomdameun midji mallago
Michin mimogajin neoneun sungbae bada maddang!
Yeongweonhi nae gyeoteseo sarangbada maddang!
Eoreumbari seorin nune himeul pureojweo
Ijen nal jikyeobwa matgyeobwa
Turn it up, girl~
Jikyeobwa, matgyeobwa sesang eopseodo nan jeoldae
Nae yeoja hanan ggeutggaji
Saranghaejul meotjin nam~
Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo
Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo
Cold heart, baby!
Eoreumdongju gateun nunbicheun malgo
Hanbeonjjeumeun useodo bwayo
Ogeum jeorigo eoreobuteo!
Cold eyes, baby!
Miso hanbeonjjeumman naege jweo bwayo
Keunal baro geum noyemodeu
Ogeum jeorigo eoreobuteo!
Cold heart, baby!
Yeah! alright
Cold eyes, baby!
I like that girl
Cold eyes, baby!
Yeah... song for my juliet uh!
Sso da jil deut han dahl biht yuk shi uh doo wa
Tuh jil deut ta neun hwet bool nuh doh ma chahn ga ji
Geu nyuh eh geh ih chi na neun buh beul bae wuah ya hae
Geu nyul b1h myun noo nee muh luh buh lill gguh ya
Je bahl
Gi hwe leul jwah yo
Nahl boh neun noon ma chi
Nul ahn goh shi puh suh
Ahn dahl nahn nae geh jahng nahn chi neun yuh oo ga ta
Juliette ohh
Yung ho neul ba chil ggeh yo (so I get you )
Juliette ohh
Jeh bahl nahl ba da jwa yo
Juliette ohh
Dahl kom hee jom duh dahl kom ha geh
Sok sa guh na eh serenade
Dahl kom han oong dok hwal hwal beul ta oh leu neun yoo hok
Lip sseun doh gi la doh
I'm romeo geu daehl ji ki neun gi sa doh
Yoo ri byung eh gahd heen sa rang eun bbahl gahn shin ho
Geu daen ee mi oh seh sahng eh jong shim
Na ma neh cho jum
Ha roo jong il ang nahn chi deut nahl
Mil goh dahng gi goh moo nuh jyuh doh
Ddo nae ohn moh meul gahm ssan geu dae hyang gi leul jo cha
Mum cheul soo up seu ni nae shim jang
Soom gyul doh mo doo da ga jyuh yo
Je bahl
Ma meul yuh luh yo
Nahl dae ha neun mohm jiht
Ddo seu chyuh ji na doh (girl)
Ddul lih neun ga seum geum bahng ee la doh tuh ji geh ssuh (yeah)
Juliette ohh
Yung o neul ba chil ggeh yo (so I get you )
Juliette ohh
Jeh bahl nahl ba da jwa yo
Juliette ohh
Dahl kom hee jom duh dahl kom ha geh (dahl kom ha geh sok sa guh jwa)
Sok sa guh na eh serenade
Ah moo mahl doh ahn hae doh ee mee
Mo doo ahl goh eeht neun gul
Geu dae doo noo nee gahn jul hih na
Leul won han da haeht jahn ha yo
Ee jen buh suh nahl soo up suh nul joch neun seup gwan jo cha
Cha meul soo upht neun joong dok chu lum puh ji gul ( yeah, my heart! )
Yeaa baby, juliette!
Juliette ohh
Yung ho neul ba chil ggeh yo
Juliette ohh ( I wanna be with you, my girl yeah yeah )
Jeh bahl nahl ba da jwa yo
Juliette ohh (ohh)
Dahl kom hee jom duh dahl kom ha geh
Sok sa guh na eh serenade (nae sa rang eun jung yul eh tae yang )
Juliette ohh (What's up girl! You can be my juliette! )
(Oh oh oh oh jik geu dae mahngeu dae mahn )
Yung ho neul ba chil ggeh yo
Juliette ohh
(Da shi tae uh na doh han sa ram)
Jeh bahl nahl ba da jwa yo
(Da da da da da da da...)
Juliette ohh
(Nae ma meun chahn lahn ha geh biht na *3)
Dahl kom hee jom duh dahl kom ha geh
Sok sa guh na eh serenade
(Da da da da da da da da da da...)
Sa rang eh serenade
[Jonghyun] Baby
Negae banhae beorin naegae wae irae
Dureopdago mulleoseoji malgo
Geunyang naegae matgyeobwala eoddae
My lady
[Onew, Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Key] Butterfly
Neoreul mannan chut sungan
Nooni beonjjeok meori stop
Belli ding dong oolleosseo
[Onew] Nan malya meotjinnom chakhannom
Geureon nomeun anijiman
Nareumdaero gwaenchaneun bad boy
[Taemin] Neodo machi butterfly
Neomu yakhae ppajeosseo
Neomu soonhae ppajeosseo
Neol gyeotae dweoyagaesseo
[Jonghyun] Deoneun geokjeongma geokjeongma
Naman mideobomyeon dwaejana
Niga neomu mamae deuleo
Nochil su eopneun geol
*[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae
Rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka So fantastic
Rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka So elastic
Fantastic (x4)
Elastic (x4)
[Onew, Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
[Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)
[Onew, Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)
[Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)
[Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
[Jonghyun] I call you butterfly
Nali gamyeon galsurok
Mosi bakhyeo neoran geol
Haeyeonal su eopdaneun geol
[Key] Nareul seontaekhae (Dolikiji malgo)
Seontaekhae (Domanggaji malgo)
[Taemin] Negae ppajin baboin na
[Jonghyun] Nal chaekimjyeoya dwae
[Minho] Nan chakhadi chakhanjeunghugooni
Geollin neoreul ihae mot hagaetda
[Key] Neon gakkeumssik geureon gojung
Emijireul talpi italhaebwa gwaenchanda
[Onew] Break out ([Key] Hey! ) (x4)
Ring ding ding ding ding
Dong dong dong dong
[Jonghyun] Sashil nan bulanhae
Eoddeokhae nal boneunji
[Taemin, Key] Eojjeomyeon eojjeomyeon
Naegae hogameul gatgo itneunji molla
[Onew] Etorok anjeolbujeol hal subbakae eopseo
[Jonghyun] Dolikil su eopneun geol
[Onew] Complicated girl
[Minho] Jeoldae no lan daedaphaji ma
[Jonghyun] Na gwaenchaneun namjalan geol
[Taemin] Naega michyeobeolilji molla
[Key] Don't be silly girl (Silly girl)
[Onew] You're my miracle (My miracle)
[Jonghyun] Neoman gajil su itdamyeon
Naegaen da pilyoeopneun geol
Rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka So fantastic
Rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka So elastic
Fantastic (x4)
Elastic (x4)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
I know that
My baby I love you
I gotta get over you,
That's right that's right (my heart)
Geobwa geunyeol jom bwa, najjeumiya itneun geon swipdago
Mitgo sipji anha oh~ ah~ jami oji annneun bam
Meori apeun I jisi neomu jigyeowo
Mureup kkurko, gaseumchigo, ureobwado,
Do an doeneun geon an doeni
JoJo! seulpeun eumagi heureul ttae neol saenggakhae (eh eh eh)
JoJo! janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annnyago (oh oh oh)
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! mwol jalmotaenni I, I was blind
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! du nune barphyeo I, I was blind
So many nights I wonder why
What can I do to make it right
Everything will be alright
So Jo Jo just tell me why
Ulgo sipjin anha oh~ ah~ gipi halkwieo beorin mam
Meori apeun I jisi neomu jigyeowo
Chwihaebwado geu chwihan sogeul biwobwado,
Do an doeneun geon andoeni
JoJo! I sseun eumagi meomchul ttae neol bonaellae (eh eh eh)
JoJo janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annnyago (oh oh oh)
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! mwol jalmotaenni I, I was blind
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! nan moreugesseo a, ajikdo
Baby JoJo neon ani, irido chagaun Heart!
Baby Baby wae ganni, ulda jichyeo kkaeneun kkum
JoJo! seulpeun eumagi heureul ttae neol saenggakhae (eh eh eh)
JoJo! janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annnyago
JoJo! I sseun eumagi meomchul ttae neol bonaellae (eh eh eh)
JoJo janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annni,
Annnyago (oh oh oh)
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! mwol jalmotaenni I, I was blind
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! du nune barphyeo I, I was blind
Jonghyun: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo seo nam jah deul ee gah man ahn dweo
Heun deul ree neun keu nyeo ue mam sah sheel ahl goh eet seo
Onew: Keu nyeo eeh geh sah rang eun han sun gan ue neu ggeem eel bbun
Mwoh rah hae doh nah eeh gehn salm ue everything
All: Ah mah keu nyeo neun eoh reen nae gah buh dang seu reo uhn gah bwa
Key: Nahl pah rah boh neun nun bee chee mahl hae juh jahn ah
All: And I think I'm gonna hate it girl
Kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol
Jonghyun: Gah seum ee mahl hae jun dah nuh gah mwoh rae doh
All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
Taemin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo
All: Replay Replay Replay
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
All: Replay Replay Replay
Onew: Nuh nan nah ue M.V.P buh reo uhm eeh bbu deut haet jee
Minho: Neul shee seon jeep jong keu nyeo wah ham ggeh eet neun nan So cool
Jonghyun: Jeh bahl ee son eul noh jee mahl jah deon nah ue dah jeem eun
Onew: Eoh neu sun gan buh teo geo jeet een geol ahl ah
All: Ah mah keu nyeo neun chak han nae gah byeol jae mee eob seot nah bwa
Key: Nahl dae hah neun moom jeet ee mahl hah goh eet jahn ah
All: And I think I'm gonna hate it girl
Kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol
Jonghyun: Gah seum ee soh ree chee dah ee byeol ah peh seo
All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
Taemin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo
All: Make up Shake up Break up
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
All: Make up Shake up Break up
All: Ah ah ah reum dah eun keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek ggah jee nuh guh wah
Jeen sheel dwen sah rang ue mah seul bun jeok ee eob neun geh nun myeong hae
Ah ah ah seup geh doh keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek eoh reen nah eeh gehn
Sheen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul bah deul suh eob neun jee
All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
All: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo
Replay Replay Replay
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hahl kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
All: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
Replay Replay Replay
All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
(Minho: Uh keu nyeo wah nah ue love) mee chyeo
(TaeMin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn) jee chyeo
Minho: Uh I just go crazy 'cuz
All: Replay Replay Replay
Minho: I I I love you girl
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul
Minho: Uh mah eum ee ah pah seo goh cyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
Minho: Yo I wanna hold U girl
All: Replay Replay Replay
Minho: I I I love you
All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo I keep thinkin ' bout you
Nuh nan yeh bbeo I keep dreaming ' bout you
Jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah seul bon jeok ee
Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo I keep thinkin ' bout you
Nuh nan yeh bbeo I keep dreaming 'bout you
Jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul
Ttereojyeo ggaejil deutan tumyeonghan neupe
Dalkomhan dokmul peojideut
Hayake eoreobuteun nae oraen sangcheoga
Neoye gaseum sok gipge peojyeodo Oh Oh
Jabeun deut hal ttae pagodeuneun keuromee bineul nalkaroum
Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana
Chagapgo shiridorok tumyeonghan mureul
Mashigo tto mashyeobwado
Hayake jillidorok dagaoneunmankeum
Neol hangsang hyanghae mogi malla
Jabeun deut hal ttae seumyeodeuneun
Seoroye sumgyeol ih budeureo-um
Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana
Eodumgateun sarang dalkomhaetdeon gotong
Mulgyeolgatdeon naye jinshimeun
Eoreumgatdeon yuhok dalkomhaetdeon nunmul
Areumdapge nal dugo Oh
Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana
Oh yeogibuteo nae sarangee apeum widokaesseul ttae
Ggaejyeobeorin naye eodum sogye deungbul
Naragabeorin gyeolguk nal beorin nareul gallabeorin jidokan hyeonshil
Ijen eopshi sumimakyeo
Galsurok jichyeo
Naege sanso gateun nege
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
(Can't live without you by my side)
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo (sanso gateun neo oh oh oh~)
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo Oh
Cold heart, baby!
Cold eyes, baby!
Let's go!
Mannatda banhaetda
Keunyeo-ege banhaetda
Cheoeum boneun sexy
(Keunyeodo nareul bwa)
Wa, chagapda, chagapda
Eoreumdongju osyeotda
Hajiman sexy
(Jamgganman gidaryeo girl)
Naega ga dalryeoga dojeoneun neul jeulgeopda
Hajiman sesangeun manmanhaji anhatda
Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo
Wasseulkka bwasseulkka
Eojjeoda keunyeol hanbeon
Keureon jeok eopseo
Keuraetdamyeon imi nan slave
Neon wanbyeokhae wanbyeokhae
Nae insaengeui ggokjijeom
Nan neoreul weonhae
I'm ready~ forever!
Dorabwa meomchweobwa
Naege gihwil jweoya dwae
Sokbin nam, heose nam
Bigyo mara, naneun wanso nam
Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo
Hey, I don't know you
Keunyeol moreujiman keunyeoreul weonhae
Nareul bburichyeodo keudael jinjjaro weonhae
Namjadeureun modu jimseung neukdae gatdago
Eommadeureui gyeongheomdameun midji mallago
Michin mimogajin neoneun sungbae bada maddang!
Yeongweonhi nae gyeoteseo sarangbada maddang!
Eoreumbari seorin nune himeul pureojweo
Ijen nal jikyeobwa matgyeobwa
Turn it up, girl~
Jikyeobwa, matgyeobwa sesang eopseodo nan jeoldae
Nae yeoja hanan ggeutggaji
Saranghaejul meotjin nam~
Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo
Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo
Cold heart, baby!
Eoreumdongju gateun nunbicheun malgo
Hanbeonjjeumeun useodo bwayo
Ogeum jeorigo eoreobuteo!
Cold eyes, baby!
Miso hanbeonjjeumman naege jweo bwayo
Keunal baro geum noyemodeu
Ogeum jeorigo eoreobuteo!
Cold heart, baby!
Yeah! alright
Cold eyes, baby!
I like that girl
Cold eyes, baby!
Yeah... song for my juliet uh!
Sso da jil deut han dahl biht yuk shi uh doo wa
Tuh jil deut ta neun hwet bool nuh doh ma chahn ga ji
Geu nyuh eh geh ih chi na neun buh beul bae wuah ya hae
Geu nyul b1h myun noo nee muh luh buh lill gguh ya
Je bahl
Gi hwe leul jwah yo
Nahl boh neun noon ma chi
Nul ahn goh shi puh suh
Ahn dahl nahn nae geh jahng nahn chi neun yuh oo ga ta
Juliette ohh
Yung ho neul ba chil ggeh yo (so I get you )
Juliette ohh
Jeh bahl nahl ba da jwa yo
Juliette ohh
Dahl kom hee jom duh dahl kom ha geh
Sok sa guh na eh serenade
Dahl kom han oong dok hwal hwal beul ta oh leu neun yoo hok
Lip sseun doh gi la doh
I'm romeo geu daehl ji ki neun gi sa doh
Yoo ri byung eh gahd heen sa rang eun bbahl gahn shin ho
Geu daen ee mi oh seh sahng eh jong shim
Na ma neh cho jum
Ha roo jong il ang nahn chi deut nahl
Mil goh dahng gi goh moo nuh jyuh doh
Ddo nae ohn moh meul gahm ssan geu dae hyang gi leul jo cha
Mum cheul soo up seu ni nae shim jang
Soom gyul doh mo doo da ga jyuh yo
Je bahl
Ma meul yuh luh yo
Nahl dae ha neun mohm jiht
Ddo seu chyuh ji na doh (girl)
Ddul lih neun ga seum geum bahng ee la doh tuh ji geh ssuh (yeah)
Juliette ohh
Yung o neul ba chil ggeh yo (so I get you )
Juliette ohh
Jeh bahl nahl ba da jwa yo
Juliette ohh
Dahl kom hee jom duh dahl kom ha geh (dahl kom ha geh sok sa guh jwa)
Sok sa guh na eh serenade
Ah moo mahl doh ahn hae doh ee mee
Mo doo ahl goh eeht neun gul
Geu dae doo noo nee gahn jul hih na
Leul won han da haeht jahn ha yo
Ee jen buh suh nahl soo up suh nul joch neun seup gwan jo cha
Cha meul soo upht neun joong dok chu lum puh ji gul ( yeah, my heart! )
Yeaa baby, juliette!
Juliette ohh
Yung ho neul ba chil ggeh yo
Juliette ohh ( I wanna be with you, my girl yeah yeah )
Jeh bahl nahl ba da jwa yo
Juliette ohh (ohh)
Dahl kom hee jom duh dahl kom ha geh
Sok sa guh na eh serenade (nae sa rang eun jung yul eh tae yang )
Juliette ohh (What's up girl! You can be my juliette! )
(Oh oh oh oh jik geu dae mahngeu dae mahn )
Yung ho neul ba chil ggeh yo
Juliette ohh
(Da shi tae uh na doh han sa ram)
Jeh bahl nahl ba da jwa yo
(Da da da da da da da...)
Juliette ohh
(Nae ma meun chahn lahn ha geh biht na *3)
Dahl kom hee jom duh dahl kom ha geh
Sok sa guh na eh serenade
(Da da da da da da da da da da...)
Sa rang eh serenade
[Jonghyun] Baby
Negae banhae beorin naegae wae irae
Dureopdago mulleoseoji malgo
Geunyang naegae matgyeobwala eoddae
My lady
[Onew, Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Key] Butterfly
Neoreul mannan chut sungan
Nooni beonjjeok meori stop
Belli ding dong oolleosseo
[Onew] Nan malya meotjinnom chakhannom
Geureon nomeun anijiman
Nareumdaero gwaenchaneun bad boy
[Taemin] Neodo machi butterfly
Neomu yakhae ppajeosseo
Neomu soonhae ppajeosseo
Neol gyeotae dweoyagaesseo
[Jonghyun] Deoneun geokjeongma geokjeongma
Naman mideobomyeon dwaejana
Niga neomu mamae deuleo
Nochil su eopneun geol
*[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae
Rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka So fantastic
Rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka So elastic
Fantastic (x4)
Elastic (x4)
[Onew, Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
[Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)
[Onew, Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)
[Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)
[Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
[Jonghyun] I call you butterfly
Nali gamyeon galsurok
Mosi bakhyeo neoran geol
Haeyeonal su eopdaneun geol
[Key] Nareul seontaekhae (Dolikiji malgo)
Seontaekhae (Domanggaji malgo)
[Taemin] Negae ppajin baboin na
[Jonghyun] Nal chaekimjyeoya dwae
[Minho] Nan chakhadi chakhanjeunghugooni
Geollin neoreul ihae mot hagaetda
[Key] Neon gakkeumssik geureon gojung
Emijireul talpi italhaebwa gwaenchanda
[Onew] Break out ([Key] Hey! ) (x4)
Ring ding ding ding ding
Dong dong dong dong
[Jonghyun] Sashil nan bulanhae
Eoddeokhae nal boneunji
[Taemin, Key] Eojjeomyeon eojjeomyeon
Naegae hogameul gatgo itneunji molla
[Onew] Etorok anjeolbujeol hal subbakae eopseo
[Jonghyun] Dolikil su eopneun geol
[Onew] Complicated girl
[Minho] Jeoldae no lan daedaphaji ma
[Jonghyun] Na gwaenchaneun namjalan geol
[Taemin] Naega michyeobeolilji molla
[Key] Don't be silly girl (Silly girl)
[Onew] You're my miracle (My miracle)
[Jonghyun] Neoman gajil su itdamyeon
Naegaen da pilyoeopneun geol
Rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka So fantastic
Rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka So elastic
Fantastic (x4)
Elastic (x4)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
I know that
My baby I love you
I gotta get over you,
That's right that's right (my heart)
Geobwa geunyeol jom bwa, najjeumiya itneun geon swipdago
Mitgo sipji anha oh~ ah~ jami oji annneun bam
Meori apeun I jisi neomu jigyeowo
Mureup kkurko, gaseumchigo, ureobwado,
Do an doeneun geon an doeni
JoJo! seulpeun eumagi heureul ttae neol saenggakhae (eh eh eh)
JoJo! janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annnyago (oh oh oh)
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! mwol jalmotaenni I, I was blind
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! du nune barphyeo I, I was blind
So many nights I wonder why
What can I do to make it right
Everything will be alright
So Jo Jo just tell me why
Ulgo sipjin anha oh~ ah~ gipi halkwieo beorin mam
Meori apeun I jisi neomu jigyeowo
Chwihaebwado geu chwihan sogeul biwobwado,
Do an doeneun geon andoeni
JoJo! I sseun eumagi meomchul ttae neol bonaellae (eh eh eh)
JoJo janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annnyago (oh oh oh)
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! mwol jalmotaenni I, I was blind
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! nan moreugesseo a, ajikdo
Baby JoJo neon ani, irido chagaun Heart!
Baby Baby wae ganni, ulda jichyeo kkaeneun kkum
JoJo! seulpeun eumagi heureul ttae neol saenggakhae (eh eh eh)
JoJo! janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annnyago
JoJo! I sseun eumagi meomchul ttae neol bonaellae (eh eh eh)
JoJo janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annni,
Annnyago (oh oh oh)
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! mwol jalmotaenni I, I was blind
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! du nune barphyeo I, I was blind
best of super junior
Blue Tomorrow :
Naeirimyeon uriga mannadeon
Jeo gil motungiro nan dasineun gal su eomneun geojyo
Naeirimyeon achime nuneul tteo
Jeil meonjeo geudael dasineun tteoollyeoseon andoejyo
Ijen (geudaen haengbokhangayo)
Nareul (ijeul su isseonnayo)
Ajik naui ipgae maemdoneun geudaeui ireum
Naeirimyeon geudaen nareul tteonago
Naeirimyeon naui kkumdo tteonago
Naneun eotteoke haeya hajyo
Geudaen eotteoke nal ijeul su innayo
Sigani jinagado geudael itji motamyeon
(Oh~ no)
Nan eolmana deo ureoya hajyo (oh~ no)
Ijen geudael saranghaneunde
Nae bange modeun geotdo
Jageun haendeupon sok sajindo geudael gieok hana bwa
Beorigo (naui modeungeol beorigo)
Jiugo (neoui modeungeol jiugo)
Hajiman geudaen machi mabeopcheoreom nal ikkeulgo gajyo
Ajikdo nan geudael saranghaneunde
Naegen ojik geudaeman boineunde
Eotteoke ijeul su innayo
Naneun ajikdo geudael saranghaneunde
Saranghaedo doelkkayo animyeon tteonalkkayo
(Oh~ no)
Eonjekkajirado gidaril teni (oh~ no)
Dasi naege doraoneun nalkkaji
Eojeui naui yeojaro dorawa jul sun eomnayo
Geudael wihae haejun ge nan neomu eobtjyo
Manhi himdeulgeman hago
Ijeya sarangeul alge dwaenneunde oh~
Naeirimyeon geudaen nareul tteonago
Naeirimyeon naui kkumdo tteonago
Naneun eotteoke haeya hajyo
Geudaen eotteoke nal ijeul su innayo
Sigani jinagado geudael itji anheumyeon
(Oh~ no)
Dasi naegero geudae wajugetjyo (oh~ no)
Ajikdo nan geudael saranghaneunde
Naegen ojik geudaeman boineunde
Eotteoke ijeul su innayo
Saranghaedo doelkkayo animyeon tteonalkkayo
(Oh~ no)
Eonjekkajirado gidaril teni (oh~ no)
Naege dasi dorawa...
Geudael saranghamnida
Don't Don :
[Donghae] idaero kkeutimyuhn gihwega uhbdamyuhn
Moduga teullyuhddago marhago issuh
[Ryeowook] comedy gateun sesange wootji mothal saramdeul nuhnduhriga na
[All] don't! don! modeun ge don sesang won ane gadhin nuh what is your mind
[Kibum] you outta control what is your mind
[All] jebal juwireul dorabwa juhlmangui nunbichi boijanha
[Kibum] stop bangin' my head my eyes gone red
[Sungmin] juhmjuhm muhruhjineunguhl geudaero chungbunhan sesang
Imi gajinguhllo da gippeunsesang
[Geng] kkumkkuduhn saramdeuri hanadoolsshik dduhnabuhryuhdo
[Heenim] byunhaji anhne
[Eunhyuk] the world is mine naega ee segyeui buhbiya
Geudeuri haengbokhagimaneul gidaryuhsseul ddae
[Eunhyuk+kibum] uhneu nuguboda muhnjuh gihwereul jabeun gushil ppun
Yakjareul wihan baeryuh ddawin juhldae uhbsuh
[Siwon] naui boolkkocheul da taewuhsuhrado pogihal soo uhbsuh
[Kyuhyun] juhdeurui guhshi anin woori aideurui sesangeul wihaesuhramyuhn
[Shindong+eunhyuk] geuraedo nuhmu wuhnmang hajima naega anya
Sesangi nuhl geuruhke mandeunguhya
[Leeteuk+heenim] naega wuhnhaedduhn guhn naneun modu gajyuh
Sesangi nareul wemyuhn hayuhdo nungwa gwireul makgo
Uhjiruhpge mandeuruh buhril
Juhkdanghan muhriwa doni jogeum piryohal ppoon
[Kangin] naui boolkkocheul da taewuhsuhrado jikyuhjugo shipuh
[Yesung] hwandonui shidae kkeute saragaya hal nae aireul wihaesuhramyuhn
[All] don't! don! modeun ge don sesang won ane gadhin nuh what is your mind
[Kibum] you outta control what is your mind
[All] jebal juwireul dorabwa juhlmangui nunbichi boijanha
[Kibum] stop bangin' my head my eyes gone red
[All] don't! don! ijen geuman jom hae
Wisuhnui gamyuhndo buhsuhbuhryuh
[Eunhyuk] buhsuhbuhryuh ni gashigui gamyuhndo
[All] modu gidarigo issuh majimak baraemdo buhrijima
[Eunhyuk] duhnjyuhbuhryuh ni geu gashigui gamyuhndo
[HeeChul] super junior!
Just You :
Jamshi kkoomkkoo uhdduhn haengbokhaedduhn soongan
Ggaejianhgil wonhaessuh
Wootgoidduhn naega babogatasuh
Jageun hansoomman swilppoonieyo
Arayo motnalppoonin na nomu jaraljyo
Hajiman mollayo na uhjjuhmyuhn joheunji
Dan hanbonman nareul saranghaejwoyo
Geudaeneun irheulge hanado objjyo
Geujuh hansoonganman nareul saenggakhaebwayo
Gyuhwoo geu juhngdojyo
Honjaneun aninji gokjonghaebojiman
Dajuhnghan geudaerasuh
Geuruhlli obneun saram haengbokhangayo
Iron naega piryo obseul mankeum
Arayo boojokhan nal nomu jaraljyo
Hajiman mollayo nugulbogo inneunji
Dan hanbonman nareul saranghaejwoyo
Geudaeneun irheulge hanado objjyo
Geujuh hansoonganman naege shiganeul jwoyo
Ee gyuhwoore guhri uhdiesuhrado
Yejuhn geudaeui hyangki gadeukhan choouhkppooninguhlyo
Dan hanbonman naege shiganeul jwoyo (Jwoyo)
Geudaeneun irheulge hanado objjyo
Geujuh hansoonganman nareul saenggakhaebwayo
Gyuhwoo geu juhngdojyo
Love U More :
Love U More, Love U More, Love U More
Nae mam soge inneun neol
Love U More, Love U More
Ne sumgyeori nae mamsoge inneun geol
Nopeun haneul araeui jageun jeom hanaga sarangeul noraehane yeah
Yeojeonhi geudae eomneun naui moseup nae yeopui geurimjaman bangine
Honjamanui saenggangmaneuro I sigan chaeul su eopkko
Geudaeui misoga gaseum sok (gipi) gadeuk chaeuneun geol
Geudae mam sogeneun (ever) sarangi eomneun geol (ever)
Gidarim soge geudaewa geudaewa (I pray for you)
Naui mam sogeneun (ever) modeun ge sarangin geol (ever)
Ne sumgyeori nae mamsoge inneungeol (neol gidarineun geol)
Geu sarangi chaja ol geora minneun gidarim soge jageun seolleim
Jogeumssik geudaega naege maemdoneun dalkomhan Kiss cheot neukkimcheoreom
Malhal su eomneun nae maeum sok I sarang jeonhal gil eopkko
Geudaega ul ttaemyeon maeum sok (gipi) gamssa jugopeun geol
Geudae mam sogeneun (ever) sarangi eomneun geol (ever)
Gidarim soge geudaewa geudaewa (I pray for you)
Naui mam sogeneun (ever) modeun ge sarangin geol (ever)
Ne sumgyeori nae mamsoge inneungeol (neol gidarineun geol)
Nae mam soge sumswineun neol yeongwonhi I Love U
Eonjena geudaereul geuriwohaneun geol
Geu maneun naltteurui gieoktteulkkajido
Nan ara neo mani sarangin geol
Naui mam sogeneun yeongweonhi neoppoonin geol (ever ever)
Nal barabwa joon geu nari oneun nal (I pray for you)
Geudae mam sogeneun modeun ge sarangin geol (ever ever)
Ni soomgyeori nae mam soge inneun geol (Neol gidarineun geol)
Love U More, Love U More, Love U More
Nae mam soge inneun neol
Love U More, Love U More
Ne sumgyeori nae mam soge inneun geol
Miracle :
Life couldn't get better
Life couldn't get better
Jigumkaji no obdon shiganun odumiojyo (without you baby)
Norul mannan hu naui senghwarun kumman gathayo (baby)
Norul chum bon sungan (choum bon sungan) a miracle (a miracle)
Nan nukkyojyo gijogun baro norangol
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Nan nol pume ango nara
Purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)
Jamdun noui ib machul koya
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Noui mame munul yoro jwo
Gude ne sonul jabayo
Life couldn't get better
Meil meil pyongbomhetton nal duri ijen dalla jyossoyo (a holiday)
Sesang modun saramduri hengboghe boyoyo (I wanna thank you baby)
Norul choum bon sungan (choum bon sungan) a miracle (a miracle)
Nan nukkyojyo gijogun baro norangol
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Nan nol pume ango nara
Purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)
Jamdun noui ib machul koya
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Noui mame munul yoro jwo
Gude ne sonul jabayo
Life couldn't get better
(life couldn't get better)
Nol choum bon sungan a miracle (a miracle)
I love you baby and I'm never gonna stop
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Nan nol pume ango nara
Purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)
Jamdun noui ib machul koya
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Noui mame munul yoro jwo
Gude ne sonul jabayo
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Nan nol pume ango nara
Purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)
Jamdun noui ib machul koya
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Noui mame munul yoro jwo
Gude ne sonul jabayo
Life couldn't get better
(BEST OF THE BEST!!) Mirror :
Hmmm heey hooo ooooh hyeeye
Onuldo yogshi aphun gasum
Ikkulgo goul aphe
Ne mosubul baraboge doejyo
Otton mosubdo sesang sulphum
Da gajin pyojyongkkaji
Jiobomyo senggaghage doejyo
Nonun jogumdo jamshido
Jichijido anhannunji
Ne modun gol
Nohchiji anhgo ttarahajyo
Goulchorom gu saramdo
Nega sarang junmankhumman
Ttaraomyon an doenunji
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Nodo sarangbadgo shipho hanunde
Mothnan nan aphumman jwoso
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Hangsang gudewa gathi hagophunde
Ibyolman nawa hamkkehago
Mearichorom handu balchag
Dwieman soitjyo
Suchon bonul marhedo
Ijo dallan gu hanmadie
Nappudago jiundago
Gudel wonmangul hebwado
Gurol ttemyon ne gasumun
Do honul nejyo
Guroji mallago onjengan
Nege doraondamyo
Orisogun gidel hajyo
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Nodo sarangbadgo shipho hanunde
Mothnan nan aphumman jwoso
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Hangsang gudewa gathi hagophunde
Ibyolman nawa hamkkehago
Mearichorom handu balchag
Dwieman so itjyo oooh
Goure bichin
Ne mosub barabomyo
Onusenga nowa dalma ganun
Ne mosub
Nowa darunge hanado obso
Ne nunen no hana ne maum
Nohana bichwo
Ochojyo ijen jongmal kkuthijyo
Guthorog ulgo bulgo medallyodo
Amuron gide majodo
Ijenun objyo
Usulsu issulgora mido
Gasume nunmuri hullo
Shigani hullogado
Sangchoman dohalppun
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Nodo darun sarangul hage doemyon
Aphumul idgo sal tende
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Sarangun yongwonul marhagoshiphunde
Hyonshirun ibyorul marhajyo
Mothnan nan miryonira hedo
in other time, i will give all the lyrics of Super Junior, okaaay?
Naeirimyeon uriga mannadeon
Jeo gil motungiro nan dasineun gal su eomneun geojyo
Naeirimyeon achime nuneul tteo
Jeil meonjeo geudael dasineun tteoollyeoseon andoejyo
Ijen (geudaen haengbokhangayo)
Nareul (ijeul su isseonnayo)
Ajik naui ipgae maemdoneun geudaeui ireum
Naeirimyeon geudaen nareul tteonago
Naeirimyeon naui kkumdo tteonago
Naneun eotteoke haeya hajyo
Geudaen eotteoke nal ijeul su innayo
Sigani jinagado geudael itji motamyeon
(Oh~ no)
Nan eolmana deo ureoya hajyo (oh~ no)
Ijen geudael saranghaneunde
Nae bange modeun geotdo
Jageun haendeupon sok sajindo geudael gieok hana bwa
Beorigo (naui modeungeol beorigo)
Jiugo (neoui modeungeol jiugo)
Hajiman geudaen machi mabeopcheoreom nal ikkeulgo gajyo
Ajikdo nan geudael saranghaneunde
Naegen ojik geudaeman boineunde
Eotteoke ijeul su innayo
Naneun ajikdo geudael saranghaneunde
Saranghaedo doelkkayo animyeon tteonalkkayo
(Oh~ no)
Eonjekkajirado gidaril teni (oh~ no)
Dasi naege doraoneun nalkkaji
Eojeui naui yeojaro dorawa jul sun eomnayo
Geudael wihae haejun ge nan neomu eobtjyo
Manhi himdeulgeman hago
Ijeya sarangeul alge dwaenneunde oh~
Naeirimyeon geudaen nareul tteonago
Naeirimyeon naui kkumdo tteonago
Naneun eotteoke haeya hajyo
Geudaen eotteoke nal ijeul su innayo
Sigani jinagado geudael itji anheumyeon
(Oh~ no)
Dasi naegero geudae wajugetjyo (oh~ no)
Ajikdo nan geudael saranghaneunde
Naegen ojik geudaeman boineunde
Eotteoke ijeul su innayo
Saranghaedo doelkkayo animyeon tteonalkkayo
(Oh~ no)
Eonjekkajirado gidaril teni (oh~ no)
Naege dasi dorawa...
Geudael saranghamnida
Don't Don :
[Donghae] idaero kkeutimyuhn gihwega uhbdamyuhn
Moduga teullyuhddago marhago issuh
[Ryeowook] comedy gateun sesange wootji mothal saramdeul nuhnduhriga na
[All] don't! don! modeun ge don sesang won ane gadhin nuh what is your mind
[Kibum] you outta control what is your mind
[All] jebal juwireul dorabwa juhlmangui nunbichi boijanha
[Kibum] stop bangin' my head my eyes gone red
[Sungmin] juhmjuhm muhruhjineunguhl geudaero chungbunhan sesang
Imi gajinguhllo da gippeunsesang
[Geng] kkumkkuduhn saramdeuri hanadoolsshik dduhnabuhryuhdo
[Heenim] byunhaji anhne
[Eunhyuk] the world is mine naega ee segyeui buhbiya
Geudeuri haengbokhagimaneul gidaryuhsseul ddae
[Eunhyuk+kibum] uhneu nuguboda muhnjuh gihwereul jabeun gushil ppun
Yakjareul wihan baeryuh ddawin juhldae uhbsuh
[Siwon] naui boolkkocheul da taewuhsuhrado pogihal soo uhbsuh
[Kyuhyun] juhdeurui guhshi anin woori aideurui sesangeul wihaesuhramyuhn
[Shindong+eunhyuk] geuraedo nuhmu wuhnmang hajima naega anya
Sesangi nuhl geuruhke mandeunguhya
[Leeteuk+heenim] naega wuhnhaedduhn guhn naneun modu gajyuh
Sesangi nareul wemyuhn hayuhdo nungwa gwireul makgo
Uhjiruhpge mandeuruh buhril
Juhkdanghan muhriwa doni jogeum piryohal ppoon
[Kangin] naui boolkkocheul da taewuhsuhrado jikyuhjugo shipuh
[Yesung] hwandonui shidae kkeute saragaya hal nae aireul wihaesuhramyuhn
[All] don't! don! modeun ge don sesang won ane gadhin nuh what is your mind
[Kibum] you outta control what is your mind
[All] jebal juwireul dorabwa juhlmangui nunbichi boijanha
[Kibum] stop bangin' my head my eyes gone red
[All] don't! don! ijen geuman jom hae
Wisuhnui gamyuhndo buhsuhbuhryuh
[Eunhyuk] buhsuhbuhryuh ni gashigui gamyuhndo
[All] modu gidarigo issuh majimak baraemdo buhrijima
[Eunhyuk] duhnjyuhbuhryuh ni geu gashigui gamyuhndo
[HeeChul] super junior!
Just You :
Jamshi kkoomkkoo uhdduhn haengbokhaedduhn soongan
Ggaejianhgil wonhaessuh
Wootgoidduhn naega babogatasuh
Jageun hansoomman swilppoonieyo
Arayo motnalppoonin na nomu jaraljyo
Hajiman mollayo na uhjjuhmyuhn joheunji
Dan hanbonman nareul saranghaejwoyo
Geudaeneun irheulge hanado objjyo
Geujuh hansoonganman nareul saenggakhaebwayo
Gyuhwoo geu juhngdojyo
Honjaneun aninji gokjonghaebojiman
Dajuhnghan geudaerasuh
Geuruhlli obneun saram haengbokhangayo
Iron naega piryo obseul mankeum
Arayo boojokhan nal nomu jaraljyo
Hajiman mollayo nugulbogo inneunji
Dan hanbonman nareul saranghaejwoyo
Geudaeneun irheulge hanado objjyo
Geujuh hansoonganman naege shiganeul jwoyo
Ee gyuhwoore guhri uhdiesuhrado
Yejuhn geudaeui hyangki gadeukhan choouhkppooninguhlyo
Dan hanbonman naege shiganeul jwoyo (Jwoyo)
Geudaeneun irheulge hanado objjyo
Geujuh hansoonganman nareul saenggakhaebwayo
Gyuhwoo geu juhngdojyo
Love U More :
Love U More, Love U More, Love U More
Nae mam soge inneun neol
Love U More, Love U More
Ne sumgyeori nae mamsoge inneun geol
Nopeun haneul araeui jageun jeom hanaga sarangeul noraehane yeah
Yeojeonhi geudae eomneun naui moseup nae yeopui geurimjaman bangine
Honjamanui saenggangmaneuro I sigan chaeul su eopkko
Geudaeui misoga gaseum sok (gipi) gadeuk chaeuneun geol
Geudae mam sogeneun (ever) sarangi eomneun geol (ever)
Gidarim soge geudaewa geudaewa (I pray for you)
Naui mam sogeneun (ever) modeun ge sarangin geol (ever)
Ne sumgyeori nae mamsoge inneungeol (neol gidarineun geol)
Geu sarangi chaja ol geora minneun gidarim soge jageun seolleim
Jogeumssik geudaega naege maemdoneun dalkomhan Kiss cheot neukkimcheoreom
Malhal su eomneun nae maeum sok I sarang jeonhal gil eopkko
Geudaega ul ttaemyeon maeum sok (gipi) gamssa jugopeun geol
Geudae mam sogeneun (ever) sarangi eomneun geol (ever)
Gidarim soge geudaewa geudaewa (I pray for you)
Naui mam sogeneun (ever) modeun ge sarangin geol (ever)
Ne sumgyeori nae mamsoge inneungeol (neol gidarineun geol)
Nae mam soge sumswineun neol yeongwonhi I Love U
Eonjena geudaereul geuriwohaneun geol
Geu maneun naltteurui gieoktteulkkajido
Nan ara neo mani sarangin geol
Naui mam sogeneun yeongweonhi neoppoonin geol (ever ever)
Nal barabwa joon geu nari oneun nal (I pray for you)
Geudae mam sogeneun modeun ge sarangin geol (ever ever)
Ni soomgyeori nae mam soge inneun geol (Neol gidarineun geol)
Love U More, Love U More, Love U More
Nae mam soge inneun neol
Love U More, Love U More
Ne sumgyeori nae mam soge inneun geol
Miracle :
Life couldn't get better
Life couldn't get better
Jigumkaji no obdon shiganun odumiojyo (without you baby)
Norul mannan hu naui senghwarun kumman gathayo (baby)
Norul chum bon sungan (choum bon sungan) a miracle (a miracle)
Nan nukkyojyo gijogun baro norangol
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Nan nol pume ango nara
Purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)
Jamdun noui ib machul koya
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Noui mame munul yoro jwo
Gude ne sonul jabayo
Life couldn't get better
Meil meil pyongbomhetton nal duri ijen dalla jyossoyo (a holiday)
Sesang modun saramduri hengboghe boyoyo (I wanna thank you baby)
Norul choum bon sungan (choum bon sungan) a miracle (a miracle)
Nan nukkyojyo gijogun baro norangol
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Nan nol pume ango nara
Purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)
Jamdun noui ib machul koya
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Noui mame munul yoro jwo
Gude ne sonul jabayo
Life couldn't get better
(life couldn't get better)
Nol choum bon sungan a miracle (a miracle)
I love you baby and I'm never gonna stop
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Nan nol pume ango nara
Purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)
Jamdun noui ib machul koya
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Noui mame munul yoro jwo
Gude ne sonul jabayo
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Nan nol pume ango nara
Purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)
Jamdun noui ib machul koya
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Noui mame munul yoro jwo
Gude ne sonul jabayo
Life couldn't get better
(BEST OF THE BEST!!) Mirror :
Hmmm heey hooo ooooh hyeeye
Onuldo yogshi aphun gasum
Ikkulgo goul aphe
Ne mosubul baraboge doejyo
Otton mosubdo sesang sulphum
Da gajin pyojyongkkaji
Jiobomyo senggaghage doejyo
Nonun jogumdo jamshido
Jichijido anhannunji
Ne modun gol
Nohchiji anhgo ttarahajyo
Goulchorom gu saramdo
Nega sarang junmankhumman
Ttaraomyon an doenunji
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Nodo sarangbadgo shipho hanunde
Mothnan nan aphumman jwoso
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Hangsang gudewa gathi hagophunde
Ibyolman nawa hamkkehago
Mearichorom handu balchag
Dwieman soitjyo
Suchon bonul marhedo
Ijo dallan gu hanmadie
Nappudago jiundago
Gudel wonmangul hebwado
Gurol ttemyon ne gasumun
Do honul nejyo
Guroji mallago onjengan
Nege doraondamyo
Orisogun gidel hajyo
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Nodo sarangbadgo shipho hanunde
Mothnan nan aphumman jwoso
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Hangsang gudewa gathi hagophunde
Ibyolman nawa hamkkehago
Mearichorom handu balchag
Dwieman so itjyo oooh
Goure bichin
Ne mosub barabomyo
Onusenga nowa dalma ganun
Ne mosub
Nowa darunge hanado obso
Ne nunen no hana ne maum
Nohana bichwo
Ochojyo ijen jongmal kkuthijyo
Guthorog ulgo bulgo medallyodo
Amuron gide majodo
Ijenun objyo
Usulsu issulgora mido
Gasume nunmuri hullo
Shigani hullogado
Sangchoman dohalppun
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Nodo darun sarangul hage doemyon
Aphumul idgo sal tende
Gasuma nomu mianhe
Sarangun yongwonul marhagoshiphunde
Hyonshirun ibyorul marhajyo
Mothnan nan miryonira hedo
in other time, i will give all the lyrics of Super Junior, okaaay?
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