Monday, December 20, 2010

trying, tears, sweat, and bycicle :D

Heyyyy ppl!!! Thx for reding my blog!!! My blog viewers is 100 ppl in just a 5 days!!!! Woohooo thank you thank you :-} maybe I'm write a trash, but at least I'm write something :D its up to you viewers.......

Akhir2 ini, bukannya gue harusnya belajar ya? Tp gue malah main teruuuusss hehehehe

Kmrn, hari minggu.... Gue ikut sepedahan bersama alpus. Gile woooy cape bgttt nge gowes dari kemang-alpus-hi-alpus cukup mematikaaaan :/ btw makasiiih bgt ya semuanya yg nemenin gue nge gowes dari rumah :D eeeehehe

Btw... Skrg gue udh gapernah galau loooh :D gatau gimana deeeh pokoknya gue mulai ngelupain semua masalah gue, beban di kepala gue, dan fyi semua utang tugas gue udh selesaaai :'D hueee terharu. Semua gue coba bawa seneng, maen sm keluarga, ntn drama jepang, nge korea2an, pokoknya semua hal yg menyenangkan gue coba dapetin!!

Dannnn this weekend keluarga + sepupu2 gue bakal liburan di rumah gue. Gyaaaa pasti rumah gue penuh bgttt-_- yaaap tapi namanya juga keluargaaaaa jd gue gapapa :D

Andddd I'm going to say THANK YOU to the friend that always standing beside of me, ngebela gue, gapernah kacangin gue, care sama gue, pkoknyaaaa yg ngerasa baik sama gueee, thanks a lot yaaa! You made my day soooo much!

No more tears in heart, no more two-face (lipsmile, but heart's cry), and always be happy :DD

Hoooy gue udh ngantuk nihhh, seeya later yappppp

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