Haloooo semuaaaaaaaa!
Gue baru ambil rapot nihh, bahagia abisssssss :DD
Alhamdulillah nilainya cukup memuaskan, matematika bener2 ada peningkatan, bahasa indonesia nya perfect bgt, dannn semua nilai lain bener2 ada peningkatan daripada waktu kls 7&8!
Seneng bgt bikin ortu bangga dgn nilai pas2an gue, seengganya gaada yg merah :D
Terussssss berarti usaha selama semester 1 terakhir menjadi murid SMP Islam Al - Azhar 1 succesfully NICE and OVER :DDD
Skrg gue lg otw Grand Indonesia sama ade2 sepupu gue +fam, seneng bgt!
My holiday is just staaaaaaaart!!
Meskipun ga keluar negri atau bali, ke bdg aja kyknya cukup gara2 kmrn gue udh ke Thailand :-)
Mari gue tutup tahun kesayangan gue, 2010, with smile :-)
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
trying, tears, sweat, and bycicle :D
Heyyyy ppl!!! Thx for reding my blog!!! My blog viewers is 100 ppl in just a 5 days!!!! Woohooo thank you thank you :-} maybe I'm write a trash, but at least I'm write something :D its up to you viewers.......
Akhir2 ini, bukannya gue harusnya belajar ya? Tp gue malah main teruuuusss hehehehe
Kmrn, hari minggu.... Gue ikut sepedahan bersama alpus. Gile woooy cape bgttt nge gowes dari kemang-alpus-hi-alpus cukup mematikaaaan :/ btw makasiiih bgt ya semuanya yg nemenin gue nge gowes dari rumah :D eeeehehe
Btw... Skrg gue udh gapernah galau loooh :D gatau gimana deeeh pokoknya gue mulai ngelupain semua masalah gue, beban di kepala gue, dan fyi semua utang tugas gue udh selesaaai :'D hueee terharu. Semua gue coba bawa seneng, maen sm keluarga, ntn drama jepang, nge korea2an, pokoknya semua hal yg menyenangkan gue coba dapetin!!
Dannnn this weekend keluarga + sepupu2 gue bakal liburan di rumah gue. Gyaaaa pasti rumah gue penuh bgttt-_- yaaap tapi namanya juga keluargaaaaa jd gue gapapa :D
Andddd I'm going to say THANK YOU to the friend that always standing beside of me, ngebela gue, gapernah kacangin gue, care sama gue, pkoknyaaaa yg ngerasa baik sama gueee, thanks a lot yaaa! You made my day soooo much!
No more tears in heart, no more two-face (lipsmile, but heart's cry), and always be happy :DD
Hoooy gue udh ngantuk nihhh, seeya later yappppp
Akhir2 ini, bukannya gue harusnya belajar ya? Tp gue malah main teruuuusss hehehehe
Kmrn, hari minggu.... Gue ikut sepedahan bersama alpus. Gile woooy cape bgttt nge gowes dari kemang-alpus-hi-alpus cukup mematikaaaan :/ btw makasiiih bgt ya semuanya yg nemenin gue nge gowes dari rumah :D eeeehehe
Btw... Skrg gue udh gapernah galau loooh :D gatau gimana deeeh pokoknya gue mulai ngelupain semua masalah gue, beban di kepala gue, dan fyi semua utang tugas gue udh selesaaai :'D hueee terharu. Semua gue coba bawa seneng, maen sm keluarga, ntn drama jepang, nge korea2an, pokoknya semua hal yg menyenangkan gue coba dapetin!!
Dannnn this weekend keluarga + sepupu2 gue bakal liburan di rumah gue. Gyaaaa pasti rumah gue penuh bgttt-_- yaaap tapi namanya juga keluargaaaaa jd gue gapapa :D
Andddd I'm going to say THANK YOU to the friend that always standing beside of me, ngebela gue, gapernah kacangin gue, care sama gue, pkoknyaaaa yg ngerasa baik sama gueee, thanks a lot yaaa! You made my day soooo much!
No more tears in heart, no more two-face (lipsmile, but heart's cry), and always be happy :DD
Hoooy gue udh ngantuk nihhh, seeya later yappppp
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Hey you there! I'm not hate you anymore. I'm trying to change my bad habit (crazy and frustate), soooo I just try to accept all, and it is really relieve my stress :DD
Thank you for your 'sometimes' careness and you ugly behavior to me :D I love it and I always accept it :D
Gue baru saja merubah mood. Berusaha biar ga galau lg. Dengan seneng2 :) gue hrs lupain semua masalah atau apa2 yg sialan, semua hrs dibawa seneng kan :) itu kan motto hidup gue. "Hidup gausah dibawa susah, dibawa seneng aja". Dan anehnya knp gue kmrn ngelupain motto hidup gue sendiri yak? Hfffft gatau-_- gue harus seneng pokoknya, liburan di dpn mata :ppp meskipun cuma seminggu, at least its a holidaaaay :D bentar lg un, harus siap2 bgt nih :c gaboong ya gue takut bgt sm un entah knp, yaaa serem ajaa. Namanya aja udh Ujian nasional, hiiiii :xxx
Skrg gue lg dimobil, kena macet, lagi. Di jalan yg sama kaya kmrn2 :/ hahhh inilah nasib tinggal di daerah yg sering macet :---( tapi yaudahlaaah namanya jg jakarta yaa hrs terima aja konsekuensinya :)
Pasti beberapa dari viewers blog gue bingung knp gue gapernah ngmngin korea lg.... Tauga knp? Bosen ahahah~~ abisnya suka banyak org ngocol sih kalo gue ngomongin korea. Suka2 gue dong mau suka siapa :p yaaap I love kyuhyun forever dan di post sebelumnya gue bilang kalo my love for kyu is only 70%, yeppp that's rite but sometimes it change jadiii 99% :ppp
I used a lot of smiley in this post. Idk why but I'm happy today, I'm tryin' :)
Seeya later aaallll, thanks for reading my blog :) love yaaaa
Thank you for your 'sometimes' careness and you ugly behavior to me :D I love it and I always accept it :D
Gue baru saja merubah mood. Berusaha biar ga galau lg. Dengan seneng2 :) gue hrs lupain semua masalah atau apa2 yg sialan, semua hrs dibawa seneng kan :) itu kan motto hidup gue. "Hidup gausah dibawa susah, dibawa seneng aja". Dan anehnya knp gue kmrn ngelupain motto hidup gue sendiri yak? Hfffft gatau-_- gue harus seneng pokoknya, liburan di dpn mata :ppp meskipun cuma seminggu, at least its a holidaaaay :D bentar lg un, harus siap2 bgt nih :c gaboong ya gue takut bgt sm un entah knp, yaaa serem ajaa. Namanya aja udh Ujian nasional, hiiiii :xxx
Skrg gue lg dimobil, kena macet, lagi. Di jalan yg sama kaya kmrn2 :/ hahhh inilah nasib tinggal di daerah yg sering macet :---( tapi yaudahlaaah namanya jg jakarta yaa hrs terima aja konsekuensinya :)
Pasti beberapa dari viewers blog gue bingung knp gue gapernah ngmngin korea lg.... Tauga knp? Bosen ahahah~~ abisnya suka banyak org ngocol sih kalo gue ngomongin korea. Suka2 gue dong mau suka siapa :p yaaap I love kyuhyun forever dan di post sebelumnya gue bilang kalo my love for kyu is only 70%, yeppp that's rite but sometimes it change jadiii 99% :ppp
I used a lot of smiley in this post. Idk why but I'm happy today, I'm tryin' :)
Seeya later aaallll, thanks for reading my blog :) love yaaaa
Hello everybody. I know that I'm so sad and feel random at the post before, but now I'm typing happily.
I'm trying.
Because I'm trying to live my life again clearly and nicely, no matter what happen.
I will forget......
everything that bother my head and my heart, I try to forget those unpredictable and 'unnice' feelings. I have family to love, I have friends to hug, and I WILL live happily if I forget you and your bullshits.
Word 'you' doesn't mean boys or my crush or something, its meaning is for someone who hurt my heart, break them, until a little broken pieces. YOU! You made my day so heavy, so bad, so sad, really hurt, even my body is hurting bcs of you, don't you feel that? It is really fun to hurt me, huh? Yea it is soooo fun! Hurting someone like shits then don't care abt them. You always insult me, you are harsh to girls, you're mean, you're an asshole. *sorry for the bad word. Hurting here!*
Hoh, I'm relieved now. I'm refreshed. I need to wrote and tell someone abt my feelings right away before I got hurt again, by YOU!
Btw I'm online in the really morning,sooo good morning and start you dau freshly cause I am ! :D
I'm trying.
Because I'm trying to live my life again clearly and nicely, no matter what happen.
I will forget......
everything that bother my head and my heart, I try to forget those unpredictable and 'unnice' feelings. I have family to love, I have friends to hug, and I WILL live happily if I forget you and your bullshits.
Word 'you' doesn't mean boys or my crush or something, its meaning is for someone who hurt my heart, break them, until a little broken pieces. YOU! You made my day so heavy, so bad, so sad, really hurt, even my body is hurting bcs of you, don't you feel that? It is really fun to hurt me, huh? Yea it is soooo fun! Hurting someone like shits then don't care abt them. You always insult me, you are harsh to girls, you're mean, you're an asshole. *sorry for the bad word. Hurting here!*
Hoh, I'm relieved now. I'm refreshed. I need to wrote and tell someone abt my feelings right away before I got hurt again, by YOU!
Btw I'm online in the really morning,sooo good morning and start you dau freshly cause I am ! :D
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I'm absolutely tired with all of this shits.
I'm going to erase that feeling. That feeling that I tell you In the other post.
It hurts like.... A lot? :'(
My score, my life, all of 'this', getting worst. And I hate it so much when comes the time like this.
Sekarang gue merasa...... Kopong.
I'm going to erase that feeling. That feeling that I tell you In the other post.
It hurts like.... A lot? :'(
My score, my life, all of 'this', getting worst. And I hate it so much when comes the time like this.
Sekarang gue merasa...... Kopong.
Friday, December 10, 2010
this is life -_-
Now, I'm on my way to home. So freakingly tired. Hari ini hari terakhit ngumpulin semuanya. Tugas lah, susulan, remed, hafalan, anddddd it's freakin' me out.
And these days.... I feel something that I never felt before. Weird, huh
*you will know if you read all my post from 2008* Yap that 'things' (guess it!! Hehe) is coming to my mind again. That feeling. Btw.... It's almost 5 years.
Hmmmppffhhtttt wanna laugh out loud. LIKE A G6!/random.
Traffiiicccc jammmm is killing me. Its friday hell. Traffic everywhere T.T
And for my class, tommorow is not holiday yet, kita semua harus tes buat kelas bilingual dulu, helllll dan soalnya susah nya gila2an. Takut bgttt kalo sampe nilai rapot gue jelek :( bakal ngaruh bgt soalnya wkt nanti gue nyari sma swasta yg bagus.......
And I'm..... Feel weird. That 'flowering' feeling is coming to my head again. Idk why. And my closest friend who read this post must be understand and will laught out loud. Yea I'm shyshyshy here ;p
And lastly.... Fyi, my love for Kyuhyun is....... 70%. Sorry darl.
And these days.... I feel something that I never felt before. Weird, huh
*you will know if you read all my post from 2008* Yap that 'things' (guess it!! Hehe) is coming to my mind again. That feeling. Btw.... It's almost 5 years.
Hmmmppffhhtttt wanna laugh out loud. LIKE A G6!/random.
Traffiiicccc jammmm is killing me. Its friday hell. Traffic everywhere T.T
And for my class, tommorow is not holiday yet, kita semua harus tes buat kelas bilingual dulu, helllll dan soalnya susah nya gila2an. Takut bgttt kalo sampe nilai rapot gue jelek :( bakal ngaruh bgt soalnya wkt nanti gue nyari sma swasta yg bagus.......
And I'm..... Feel weird. That 'flowering' feeling is coming to my head again. Idk why. And my closest friend who read this post must be understand and will laught out loud. Yea I'm shyshyshy here ;p
And lastly.... Fyi, my love for Kyuhyun is....... 70%. Sorry darl.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
WOOOOOOOOYYYY boleh teriak nggaaaa? Frustasi berattttt nih gue tugas banyak yg numpuk. Anjir aaaaaaaaa gue pengen matiiii, atau engga please bgt ditambah waktu seminggu lagi buat nyelesain semuanyaaaa. Tenggat waktu gue buat nyelesain puluhan tugas cuma 3 hari doang!!! AAAAAAAAAAA *curcol nih gue*
Sorry for the unimportant spamming. Stress out here.
Sorry for the unimportant spamming. Stress out here.
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